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Redefining You Course

Redefine yourself and show up more empowered, confident & authentic to your soul!

  • Ended
  • 1,333 US dollars
  • San Diego

Service Description

*Pre-sale- course relaunches for round 3 in January* A 9-week deep dive into healing your past and redefining who you are! Are you ready to say yes to transformation and creating your dream life with more ease than ever before? The secret key to manifesting the life, the relationships, the experiences you want is through energetic alignment. Healing the past and redefining who you are, to become the person you want to be, is how that alignment happens. It comes down to the Universal Law of Attraction, your energy attracts more of what you are. First, we must let go of the emotional baggage, the bullshit limiting beliefs, stories, expectations, negative self-talk, projections of others, anything our soul is ready to release. Only after we have healed, can we truly align with the life we want. Free of the past. Then we get to create new stories, we get to call in new energies, we get to have our Pheonix rising from our past moment and become the badass, magnetic, empowered, confident version of ourselves, aligned with our soul, living our best damn lives! This is a powerful transformative container to take you into the fire and bring out the version of you that you want to be! See the vibe below to get an idea of some of the transformations students have found through this program. One student actually discovered her life's purpose and did a complete pivot of her business with so much joy and ease. Another doubled her monthly income, found her purpose and reclaimed her power in her romantic life. The vibe: - Stand in your power with more confidence and stop giving it away - Speak your truth with more ease - Set stronger boundaries to prioritize your well-being - Break through the fears that have kept you stuck - Greater ease in being authentic - Stop playing small - Deepen your self-love - Find peace in who you are becoming - Heal the past wounds, stories and beliefs - Stop living your life through the expectations of others - Work through the fears of change - Live a more soul aligned life - Shift your energy more into alignment with your dream life! 8 LIVE Channeled Shamanic Healing Ceremonies each week working with a different theme and element for Quantum Leaps in transformation. *Recordings will be available. 9 weeks of Voxer messaging access for group support and integration coaching Mon - Fri. Weekly self-reflection prompts and video lessons on each theme for healing and growth.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact me at least 24 hours in advance if possible. Thanks!

Contact Details

  • 3007 Clairemont Drive, San Diego, CA, USA

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